Collaborative Programs that Support the Patient-Doctor Relationship
Integrated Health Management programs help members take a more active role in managing their overall health and enable us to assist physicians in providing the highest quality care. To facilitate patient-provider healthcare decisions, LifeWise acts as
a resource to support those decisions with information and data. Please see our Clinical Practice Guidelines for examples.
Integrated Health Management Programs
Care Management
Care Management works to ensure that members receive appropriate care in the right setting at the right time. Care Management includes Clinical Review, Case and Disease Management and
Care Transition Management.
Clinical Quality Programs
Our Quality Program benefits LifeWise members across every plan and service. We work with you to monitor and improve the care you provide.
Admission Notification
Hospitals routinely notify LifeWise of all inpatient admissions, which allows us to verify benefits, link members to other programs and assess the need for case management. Some plans may be subject to prior authorization, please refer to back of member
ID card. Find out more about Admission Notification.